Tuesday, August 23, 2016

School Starts!

Many of you have already started school.

Bob is getting ready for school too...

Bob's new book tells how Bob is getting ready for school with the supplies he needs and how to wait safely for the bus.

Bob is ready to make good choices at school. I hope you are too!

Not only is Bob going to school, but so am I! It finally seems like the right time to go back and finish my degree. 

I started in education before my son was born twenty-four years ago. Even though I wanted to finish college, something else always seemed more important. 

My son graduated from IU in the spring of this year and is now a high school english teacher! I am so proud! 

Many of my friends have been encouraging me to go back. My husband has been trying to get me to go back for years, but it just never felt right. I had stuff to do. Besides it's scary and WAY out of my comfort zone.

But with my son gone and husband traveling for work a lot of the time there really weren't any excuses left! 

So here I am a fifty year old freshman! Nervous, excited and questioning "what the heck am I doing?". But, I have 21 credit hours coming back to school with me, to be frank, I didn't think I'd get that many. 

Bob and I are starting a new adventure together. His new book "Bob Goes to School" should be up on Kindle this weekend! Be sure to check it out. If you haven't already bought Bob's first book "Meet Bob the Dog" you can click HERE to go directly to "Meet Bob the Dog" on Amazon. 

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