Friday, August 26, 2016

Reviewing Books on Amazon

 Here's how Amazon works for authors. 

Amazon promotes due to the amount of positive reviews a book or product receives.

When you buy something on Amazon and see "people who bought this also bought...) it is because of the reviews the product has received. 

Amazon keeps track of the all the reviews given to a product or book. When an author (that's me) is given favorable reviews Amazon says "hey, people like this author!" 
But Amazon doesn't stop there, the more positive reviews the better promotion Amazon gives to the book or product.

This is super helpful for someone (me again) who is self published. Because not only am I self published, I am also self promoting.

To those who have shared Bob's blog and the release of "The Adventures of Bob the Dog" books, thank you. It is tremendously appreciated and super helpful to get the word out that a fabulous book is available for such an inexpensive price!

More books are to come. "Bob's School Rules" will be uploaded this weekend on kindle! 

If you haven't bought the first "Adventures of Bob the Dog" book be sure to find it for kindle on It is free for Kindleunlimited members and part of the Kindle Lending program. And when you do be sure to leave a review!

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