Monday, September 19, 2016

Let's do something New!

Bob thinks his living room is boring. He is going to try something new.

Should he paint?

Should he put up new wall paper?

Maybe he should get a new floor.

Stick around to see what Bob decides to do to his house.

Be sure to check out my other blog about going back to school at 50!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bob's been busy!

Bob's creator has been busy with school. There is a whole blog on what's going on there too! Follow me on that blog at . 

I hope to get back to blogging at least once a week now that I have settled in to the routine of school. 

It is a beautiful day here in Indiana and Bob is enjoying it with a nice walk.

Bob hopes you have a nice day. He wants you to get out and enjoy the day. Right after you click "follow" this blog!!

Have a happy day!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Reviewing Books on Amazon

 Here's how Amazon works for authors. 

Amazon promotes due to the amount of positive reviews a book or product receives.

When you buy something on Amazon and see "people who bought this also bought...) it is because of the reviews the product has received. 

Amazon keeps track of the all the reviews given to a product or book. When an author (that's me) is given favorable reviews Amazon says "hey, people like this author!" 
But Amazon doesn't stop there, the more positive reviews the better promotion Amazon gives to the book or product.

This is super helpful for someone (me again) who is self published. Because not only am I self published, I am also self promoting.

To those who have shared Bob's blog and the release of "The Adventures of Bob the Dog" books, thank you. It is tremendously appreciated and super helpful to get the word out that a fabulous book is available for such an inexpensive price!

More books are to come. "Bob's School Rules" will be uploaded this weekend on kindle! 

If you haven't bought the first "Adventures of Bob the Dog" book be sure to find it for kindle on It is free for Kindleunlimited members and part of the Kindle Lending program. And when you do be sure to leave a review!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bob's second book Available soon!

Bob's second book "Bob Goes to School" will be available this weekend!

I am sure you can guess what Bob is doing in this book. 

Bob gets school supplies, a backpack and waits for the bus. Be sure to catch the lessons here.

The Fry's words (sight words) used in this book are listed on the last page. Take time to look over them, they will help you and your child become familiar with words they will learn in school.

The next book is already in the works "Bob's School Rules". 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

School Starts!

Many of you have already started school.

Bob is getting ready for school too...

Bob's new book tells how Bob is getting ready for school with the supplies he needs and how to wait safely for the bus.

Bob is ready to make good choices at school. I hope you are too!

Not only is Bob going to school, but so am I! It finally seems like the right time to go back and finish my degree. 

I started in education before my son was born twenty-four years ago. Even though I wanted to finish college, something else always seemed more important. 

My son graduated from IU in the spring of this year and is now a high school english teacher! I am so proud! 

Many of my friends have been encouraging me to go back. My husband has been trying to get me to go back for years, but it just never felt right. I had stuff to do. Besides it's scary and WAY out of my comfort zone.

But with my son gone and husband traveling for work a lot of the time there really weren't any excuses left! 

So here I am a fifty year old freshman! Nervous, excited and questioning "what the heck am I doing?". But, I have 21 credit hours coming back to school with me, to be frank, I didn't think I'd get that many. 

Bob and I are starting a new adventure together. His new book "Bob Goes to School" should be up on Kindle this weekend! Be sure to check it out. If you haven't already bought Bob's first book "Meet Bob the Dog" you can click HERE to go directly to "Meet Bob the Dog" on Amazon. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fry's words vs. sight words

Ever since I started this blog, I've been talking about the ever important Fry's Words and how children need to know the first one hundred when they go into first grade. This reminded me of my sister and how hard she worked to help her kids in kindergarten.

She always called those words sight words. That is what I always heard them called too.

That is until I started working full time in the classroom.  The teachers I worked with talked about how important it was that the students should know the first one hundred Fry's words when coming into the first grade. I had no idea what they were talking about until they explained that these were sight words.

So now I've been calling sight words the Fry's words for so long I don't even think of them as sight words anymore!

When I talk about Fry's words, I am referring to the sight words your child needs to learn or is currently learning.

If you are familiar with sight words you know these words are difficult to sound out and need to be memorized because they don't follow the rules of most of the other words we learn to read. 

In first grade students are tested on the next hundred words and so on. However, I focus primarily on the first hundred words because these are the building blocks of successful reading.

In order to assist parents and guardians in their children's reading  success, the Fry's words used in "The Adventures of Bob the Dog" books are written on the last page. 

By the way, my sister has a blog of her own that is worth checking out!

Check her out HEREShe showcases the beautiful cards she makes. Stop by her blog and say hi, and when you do tell her Bob the dog sent you!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Rainy Day!

It is a rainy day in Indiana, But Bob does not mind!
Bob loves puddles and raindrops.

Sometimes Bob likes to go outside in the rain and play in the puddles.

Sometimes Bob likes to stay inside and read a book.

Bob's first book "Meet Bob the Dog" is on and it's free until Tuesday at midnight!

A rainy day is the perfect time to get a new book!!