Friday, July 29, 2016

Bob visits the Prehistoric Era at the Field Museum in Chicago

After a fun morning in Ancient Egypt, Bob decided to go back further in time. He entered the Prehistoric Era, when time began!

Bob discovered in the beginning there were only tiny life forms. These tiny lines in the rock are actually fossils.

        Bob learned that at one time most of the earth was covered with water. 

He wondered about the types of sea creatures that once swam here. 

Would they have eaten dogs?

Chicago was once covered with water too.    

A gigantic reef was home to
some of the first sea creatures
right where he was standing!       
Amazed, Bob moved further through time and discovered the first plants were much larger than what is on earth today.       

And so were the bugs!!

This is a gigantic Arthropod!
It lived around 354 - 290
million years ago!

Bob is staying out of it's way!!

Bob moved quickly away from the Huge creature and right in the path of a Parasauroloplus!

The Parasuroloplus might be a plant eater, but Bob wasn't going to take any chances! 


He jumped out of the giant's mouth and into a raptor's claws!
Lucky for Bob the raptor was looking the  other way .
Bob was able to jump out of his claws, but uh oh! 

Now Bob is being chased by a Herrerasaurus! Run Bob run!

 Bob finally found a friendly Dinosaur. 
The 3 horn, or Triceratops
gives him a ride safely away from the harmful dog eating
         dinosaurs! Thanks 3 horn!

Bob thanks the Triceratops and goes to the T. rex exhibit.

Bob feels sorry for whatever the T. rex is eating, but glad it's not eating him!

One last photo with the famous T. rex Sue!
Wow! What a day! Bob learned a lot about the prehistoric era. He hopes you learned something too.

Now Bob is exhausted. It's time for a break.
  That's refreshing!  
Bob is ready to see the famous animal dioramas.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Bob visits Ancient Egypt in The Field Museum in Chicago

One thing Bob learned while he was on vacation in Chicago...It's really hard to blog on vacation!

Bob stayed up late and got up early and fell asleep trying to blog. So he took a few days to recuperate from his trip but now he's ready to continue his blog and tell you all about the fun he had sightseeing in Chicago.

On Bob's 4th day in Chicago he went to The Field Museum of Natural History.

Bob loves history so he couldn't think of a better place to visit.
The museum was so big he didn't get to see everything it had to offer.  But Bob had such a good time he didn't want to leave anything out so he is going to blog separately about each time period he went through.

Bob started with Inside Ancient Egypt and learned all about mummys.

It was cool and gross at the same time!

The mummies Bob saw were thousands of years old.

Bob learned the ancient Egyptians believed their mummy would live again so they made tomes and filled them with stuff they might want in the after life.
These are some of the treasures.

This is an ancient Egyptian dwelling.                          Ancient Egyptian boat.

Bob wanted
to take that boat on the Nile marsh. 

He wondered if it there would be crocodiles in that 

Bob learned about lithographs.
He liked them so much he
decide to be part of one!
Can you find Bob?

Bob climbed the Sen-wosret's pyramid. 

built for the pharaoh, this pyramid must have been dazzling. Its polished limestone would have reflected the sun. It ascended 250 feet.

Later Bob visited the Cat Goddess. It made him a little nervous.

Cats were highly regarded in ancient Egypt. 
If you can't beat them
join them!

Bob enjoyed his trip through ancient Egypt. He would love to go again sometime. Bob would love to hear about your trip to a museum. Email him or leave a message.

Bringing life to Fry's Words for the early reader through Bob the Dog and his adventures.

Fry's words used:

the             to            go            he           a           or           his               and           for          would
your          if             about       him        were      its          been            them         part         one
that           on           are            some      these     they       with             all            was          each
so             you          had

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bob goes to Chicago Day 3

July 5th Bob goes to the Adler Planetarium and sees the sun! 

Bob likes to pretend. He pretends he is on the sun. It's hot!

Bob sees the galaxy   
Bob watches how the universe was formed

Bob checks out the Gemini space capsule. What the astronauts learned from their missions with the Gemini allowed them to eventually get to the moon.
Then Bob goes to the moon with the astronauts

                                       That's one small step for dog's and one giant leap for dogkind!

And helps the astronauts plant the flag!

Bob moves on and tours the galaxy,  

and floats through space. Can you find him?

That was a pretty good day for Bob. 

He's ready for bed. 
Good night all.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bob goes to Chicago Day 2

Bob is having a great time in the windy city! So much fun that he was to pooped to post last night!

Bob started the day sightseeing and shopping on the Magnificent Mile in downtown Chicago.

First stop was a sculpture that made Bob think of a defeated Decepticon or maybe a Transformer ever watching over humanity!

Bob has a great imagination!                  
                                                      Then he saw "A piece of the Rock"

Bob remembers 
old Prudential commercials!

Bob learned some history about Chicago too. In 1803 Fort Dearborn was build, destroyed in the the war of 1812, rebuilt in 1816 and decommissioned in 1837. This land mark is all that remains after the fire of 1871.

After a lot of walking Bob took a break for lunch.

 Bob loves bread!Club sandwich and salad and he is ready for more walking.

Bob visits the Lego store  and enjoys the scenery made entirely of Legos.  Then takes on the Empire!


Oh no Bob!! Watch out!

Bob was welcome at Dylan's Candy Bar! He had a yummy visit.

  Bob's dream come true...giant lolly pops!

and then a visit with the Chocolate Bunny!

And finally time for fireworks!

Even the buildings celebrated the 4th of July!

After another a long walk back to the hotel, Bob was ready for bed.

Good night, Bob hopes everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July.